CASS Governing Structure

As the constituent entities of our CASS Groups are all registered companies limited by guarantee under the Corporation Act, hence, each entity basically has the company governing structure in place, in which the Board of Directors is the supreme body of an entity responsible for the overall conduct and management of affairs and corporate compliance of the entity.

For our parent entity, the Chinese Australian Services Society Limited (the Society), it also has a Council of Elders with the role to monitor the performance of the Board in some specific areas and has the power to take certain actions in accordance with the Constitution of the Society when necessary. The Council also plays the role helping to resolve disputes between the Board and members.

Besides, membership of the Society is open to any person in the public, if they are aged 18 and above and agree to be bound by the Constitution and objectives of the Society. Members of the Society elect people from the membership to serve on the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Board Members of all of our entities serve on an honorary basis and do not receive any remuneration for all their efforts.


Board of Directors


The Board of our Society comprises of nine Directors and six Alternate Directors. Every Director or Alternate Director must be a natural person and at least 18 years old. Directors and Alternate Directors are elected for a term of three years and one year respectively. A retiring Director/Alternate Director is eligible for re-election.

Below is a list of the current members of the Board of Directors of our Society.

Chairperson: Prof. Stephen Li
Foundation Chairperson/Honorary Executive Director: Mr. Henry Nan Hung Pan OAM
Emeritus Chairperson: Dr. Leng Tan
Deputy Chairperson/Secretary: Mr. Anthony Pang OAM
Vice-Chairperson/Treasurer: Mr. Sean Zhang
Vice-Chairperson: Ms. Tica Lee
Directors: Dr. Bei Lu, Mr. Shun Cheng and Mr. Stephen Yang


Alternate Directors


Mrs. Teresa Chu
Mrs. Winnie Fung
Mr. Dong Li
Mr. Evan Huang


Council of Elders


The Council of Elders consists of up to a maximum of seven Elders who are elected by members of our Society at the Annual General Meeting for a term of four years. Below is a list of current Elders of our Society.

Mr. Francis Lee OAM
Ms. Louise Wu
Mr. Percy To
Mr. Hartono Arifin
Mr. Shan Zou

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